Sunday 24 February 2013

Musically Inclined

9 - Musically Inclined

" I always wanted to ___."

     Do you play an instrument? Did you ever want to learn how to play one? Well, I did. Currently I can play three different kinds of instruments; the guitar, the drums, the bass guitar and I can also play a little bit of the piano and the violin, but i'm not really that good. . . yet. I have been playing instruments since I was 14 years old. 

     I wasn't always that interested in learning how to play an instrument though. When I was in third grade, my parents enrolled me in a summer guitar class. All of my older brothers and my dad, know how to play the guitar, that's why they put me in that class. Well at first, I was a little excited about it because a part of me wanted to play the guitar, but when I got there, it did not interest me at all. I easily got bored. At the end of the day, I always forget what the instructor taught us. I didn't even go to the recital. I didn't even join because I didn't like it. I tried to play though, I did, but I just wasn't that interested that time. After that summer, I still couldn't play the guitar. When I was a sophomore in high school though, I found a guitar in our attic. It was old and dusty. It only had four strings, it was missing the two bottom strings. I picked it up, cleaned it and started tinkering with it. Eventually, I learned how to play the guitar. And ever since then I always wanted to play more instruments. 

     Right now, I am trying to learn how to play the ukulele. I just started playing it today. I think the ukulele is the underdog of all instruments. A lot of people think that the ukulele is not cool or something like that. I feel like it is under-appreciated. If you think about it, the ukulele is actually pretty cool. It has it's own unique and distinct sound that makes it incomparable to any other instrument, I guess. The ukulele is becoming more and more popular though. These days the Ukulele is experiencing a revolution, both as a valid instrument that can sweetly transform pop music and rock and roll, and as the focus of dozens of clubs springing up across the world. I saw this video of this one guy, who actually inspired to play the Ukulele, just as Victor Wooten inspired me to play the bass guitar and Travis Barker with the drums and there's a lot for the guitar like John Mayer, Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton, to name a few. Here, check him out, his name is Jake Shimabukuro.

     Music is just awesome, isn't it? I think once you get in to it, you just keep on going. It's another form of self-expression that's why you can really feel the different type of emotions when you listen to different kinds of songs.

     I'm not that good in playing instruments. I mean, there is always room for improvement. There are a lot of great musicians out there, and I know it wasn't a breeze for them to get to where they are now. They had to work hard for it. Hopefully, with a lot, like seriously a lot of practice, I will master the Ukulele and the other instruments that I play and play like those other great musicians out there.

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