Saturday 9 February 2013

Sloppy Cravings

5 - Sloppy Cravings

"Describe sloppy."

     Sloppy. It is often defined as something wet or pasty so as to spatter easily or marked as something with a lack of neatness or order and lack of care or precision. Now, when it comes to food, sloppy can not always mean something negative. Sometimes, sloppy could be good, I guess. I mean, sometimes, I have the weirdest cravings. It's like i don't even care how it turns out. As long as it tastes good then I'm okay with it.

the awesome tasting gummy worm sandwich
 i made. OM NOM NOM! :3
     A couple of nights ago, I was staying up late because of homework. I've been having a lot of homework lately. Usually, when this happens, I have these weird cravings for random combinations of food. Mostly, unlikely combinations. I remember this one time, I took a Black Forest Loaf and some Gummy worms. Then I made a Gummy Worm Sandwich. It actually turned out pretty good. A lot of people thought it was weird and would rather eat them separately. Well, it tasted good to me, so whatever. I have weird taste buds. Anyways, as I was saying, a couple of nights ago, I had one of these weird cravings again. This time it was for Peanutbutter and Mayonnaise. It was pretty funny, because I was just working on my laptop, then i just had this urge to eat, so, I opened the fridge. I was looking for something to eat. Then i saw a loaf of bread. After that, I thought of just making a sandwich, since it was easy and fast to make. Then I saw some peanutbutter and some mayonnaise. The moment I saw them, I suddenly had a craving for them. It was pretty weird or maybe I was just hungry. So, I made about more than three Peanutbutter and Mayonnaise Sandwiches. They were AWESOME. I kept eating, while working of course until I ran out of bread but I was still craving for more. I checked the fridge and looked for stuff that i can put peanutbutter and mayonnaise on. When, I looked in the freezer, i saw a pack of hotdogs. I took the pack and opened it. I got a couple of hotdogs and just dipped it in peanutbutter and mayonnaise. The hotdogs were still frozen, by the way. There were tiny ice crystals in the core of the hotdog. It had this very interesting taste. IT TASTED AWESOME. Surprisingly, it was a good combination. It's taste is definitely like no other. I will surely make and eat one again.

     Maybe I was just hungry or sleepy. If that's the case, Sleep Deprivation has weird effects on me. Ever since I was a little kid though, I always had an interest in unusual food, experimenting with different flavors and such. I remember making a sandwich when I was a kid, I made a sandwich if Nacho chips, peanutbutter, mayonnaise, pork barbecue and chocolate syrup. I know, it may sound weird bu as I recall, it tasted pretty good. I wonder what sort of unusual sandwiches I'm gonna make next.

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